[urq] A new project : a 5000TD !

qshipq at aol.com qshipq at aol.com
Mon May 10 06:27:44 PDT 2010

 I'd take the 'other' lock cylinder out (hopefully PS as those tend to be the original) and try making a cut with that side.  You can remove the lock cylinder itself, but that's a much bigger job to get to the point of drilling.  With disc tumblers, it might actually prove cheaper to have a locksmith do an on-site rough cut ignition key.


Scott J




-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Carlier <p.carlier at pandora.be>
To: Louis-Alain Richard <laraa at sympatico.ca>; urq at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, May 10, 2010 12:30 am
Subject: Re: [urq] A new project : a 5000TD !

You can remove the lock cilinder by drilling a 3mm hole .
Then push a spring back with a small screwdriver or an allen key , and the 
cilinder comes out .
Then you put in a new one , avaialible here for 25€ , or you adapt the old 
to the new key's  you have  and continue using it .

I have a pdf somewhere with the exact location wherre to drill that hole .
I 'llook  kit up tonight .

Btw , these auto gearboxes are not the best audi ever made .
Most of them fail at 150.000km .
Be sure to service it .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Louis-Alain Richard" <laraa at sympatico.ca>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>; <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 4:06 AM
Subject: [urq] A new project : a 5000TD !

> Well, a reader of my magazine just offered me a car for free : a 1984 5000
> turbo diesel automatic !
> Car is in a garage since 6 years, no rust at all, it need a PS hose and 
> some
> work on the injection system to help with the cold starts.
> But for now, the biggest problem is the keys : the grand-children of the
> actual owner lost the keys. They removed a door lock to have one 
> re-created,
> but this key doesn't work in the ignition. So, for now, what I need is a 
> way
> to unlock the steering column and have the car towed here so I can work on
> it a bit.
> Any tips ?
> Louis-Alain
> 1983 urQuattro
> 1984 5KTD
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