[urq] Brake Master Cylinder - early vs late - and much needed

Aol kleinbiker1 at aol.com
Tue Oct 5 09:19:43 PDT 2010

I don't know if this helps at all but I seriously got a rebuilt one from Napa just a few months ago. I believe they also told me it fit the 5k as well.  I have an 85 and the MC has been working perfectly so far.


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On Oct 5, 2010, at 10:21, audiqtrocp at aol.com wrote:

> John in Vegas is the process of getting #283 resurrected after an 8+ year slumber.  Im writing this on his behalf, but during a failed bleed procedure we both came to the realization that the master cylinder is shot.  He is busting his butt to get this car ready for the gathering in Vegas in a few days and is in near desperate need of a replacement.
> We have found some out there on worldpac, Shokan, 034 - but we'd like to verify the if the early (steel) and later (aluminum) are interchangeable before paying for next day air shipment.
> So, a couple of things:
> - Is there another car that can be cross referenced?
> - Does anyone out there have a new or known-good spare that can be overnighted to him?
> - Is there another trustworthy source we might not have thought of?
> Thanks in advance guys!
> Sean
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