[urq] Overboost Problem

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 16:53:25 PDT 2010

Aha! I don't think either of mine ('83 and '84) had the hose. I do believe
some of the primitive (read simple) wastegate controls (non-factory --
schrapnel knobben?) routed a hose to this fitting as well.

Ken, do you have the original PDF copies of the introduction and service
manuals for the Urq? If not I suggest you download them from Martin Pajak's
website. I don't have the address handy right now.

On Oct 7, 2010 6:44 PM, "Louis-Alain Richard" <
louis-alain.richard at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> You're right, Ingo, and a bit wrong too.
> In fact, ETKA show a length of tubing (620 mm long, 5.5 x 3 mm cloth
> tubing) to be attached to that nipple, just to be sure that no dust can be
> suck in the WG when it moves. But the other end is loose in the engine
> Classic German over-engineering. However, some say that this loose end
> be problematic in an emission test, if the tech is picky. That remains to
> proved.
> Louis-Alain
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> de Ingo Rautenberg
>> Ken,
>> The Urq (iirc) does not have anything attached to the nipple at the
>> wastegate. I'm sure others will chime in as to whether I'm correct or
>> mistaken. I don't have an Urq to look at right now.

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