[urq] 3B Conversion + Vacuum Brake Conversion + BenHowell PS Pump bracket = question
dgraber460 at aol.com
dgraber460 at aol.com
Mon Oct 11 20:50:40 PDT 2010
I've used Ben's mount on 2 cars and used the original WX pump.
On my car I used the tensioner bracket that only has one bolt attachment at the water pump. Can't remember which car/engine that comes from but it worked unmodified.
On the sponsor car I'm working on now, I used the 2 bolt mounted bracket, and shimmed the pump off the front of the Ben bracket and it seems to line up perfect.
Not sure why the difference but the sponsor car hyd pump needs to be a little farther forward (~3/16") to line up with the damper pulley.
Ben has saved us 3B converters a bunch of fab trial and error.
Thanks again Ben!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert A Dupree <robert.a.dupree at jpmchase.com>
To: Urq at audifans.com <Urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Mon, Oct 11, 2010 7:58 am
Subject: [urq] 3B Conversion + Vacuum Brake Conversion + BenHowell PS Pump bracket = question
I was scratching my head a bit yesterday when trying to install the UrQ PS pump
nto the 3B using the Ben Howell adapter piece. Does anyone happen to know if
hat piece requires the use of a different pump from the UrQ original (like
erhaps a Coupe GT)?
I find that while the line-up is close, when the pump is located to the
ensioning bracket, the locating pivot bolt does not line up (off by about 6mm)
ith Ben's machined bracket. Additionally when the tensioning bracket is there
he pump has interference to the intake manifold.
Does anyone have BTDT with which pump, brackets and stuff work with the
owell-adapter and a 3B? If so - is this just a bend the tensioning bracket
ort of thing to make it all fit?
Rob Dupree
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