[urq] Audifans Posting Rules Reminder

urq urq at pacbell.net
Mon Oct 25 09:19:33 PDT 2010

... thought I'd send out a note to refresh the members of the rules for posting 
on the audifans groups ... 

No attachments - This is primarily done to minimize the volume of data that the 
list processes (and the members receive), but also to reduce the chance that 
malware will be communicated via the list.  In general this impacts the posting 
of pictures, but it is not limited to them.  If you have some photos to post, 
feel free to include a link to a photo sharing site.

Message size limited to 25K characters - The motivation for this is to prevent 
members from reposting complete digests with their replies, but it is also 
intended to limit bandwidth and storage requirements on the server and to the 
group members.  Sometimes extended threads can exceed this limit.  Please try to 
trim posts as much as possible.

Keep posts related to intended topic of the list - This list is unmoderated, and 
in general anything goes, but if members consider a post or topic inappropriate 
they may bring it up with the moderators.

If a member posts a message that conflicts with any of the posting rules they 
may receive a rejection notice from the server.  This notice will explain the 
rationale behind the rejection.  Some messages can be queued by the server, 
which may delay the delivery of the message to the members of the group.  

If any of the posting rules are felt to be inappropriatewe can discuss them, but 
we need to remember that Dan has the ultimate say on how this service is 

Steve Buchholz
Audifans urq List moderator

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