[urq] Central Door Locking Failure

Steve Buchholz urq at pacbell.net
Mon Sep 13 18:06:09 PDT 2010

The one thing I'd check before digging into the pump is that power is getting to the pump.  The switch may be bad, a fuse blown, wires broken in the door hinge area, ...  I've repaired the pump on my car, but it wore out again, so I have it on the work bench.  As I have time I'll get some pictures.  These devices are really pretty simple, and usually easy to repair.  Assuming that you are getting power to the pump, my first suspect would be the mechanically linked switch which runs the pump, pretty sure that was what was wrong with mine last time.  I used a pump from a 4kQ successfully, if you have one lying around you could test this when you access the pump.

What I would like to do is to upgrade to a system that would activate the pump from either door ...

Steven Buchholz (mobile)

----- Reply message -----
From: "Maurits Jonkergouw" <urquattro at moregraphics.nl>
Date: Mon, Sep 13, 2010 2:07 pm
Subject: [urq] Central Door Locking Failure
To: "Audifans" <urq at audifans.com>

My central door locking stoped working i.e. I used to hear that typical buzzing sound when I unlocked the door.

I know there is an vacuum reservoir in the rear right flank that might be leaking, but maybe I'll have to look elsewhere first?

Thanks and regards,

1986 quattro GV (rebuilt)
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