[urq] urq Digest, Vol 98, Issue 17

Mark Willoughby tickm1 at verizon.net
Sun Dec 18 12:15:03 PST 2011

I have to say the spherical sockets and adjustable rod setup I got from mcmasters per the post here is fantastic set-up...$15 done.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 18, 2011, at 15:00, urq-request at audifans.com wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>   1. gear linkages again. (Keith Lloyd)
>   2. Re: gear linkages again. (Chris Miller)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2011 18:45:08 -0000
> From: "Keith Lloyd" <spotatashleys at hotmail.com>
> To: <urq at audifans.com>
> Subject: [urq] gear linkages again.
> Message-ID: <BAY162-ds16FBCB33606D27419F1783BBA60 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="utf-8"
> All the chat the other week about gear selector linkages set me thinking. The gear shift in my quattro has never been great and I know the short link with the two rubber cups has some play in it. Someone  on the list mentioned making a link using the ball end sockets from a failed boot strut. So I found a strut and a spare short link I had lying around and my mate Al Bishop has machined some threads and made a link up for me. (see picture by following the link http://share.shutterfly.com/share/received/welcome.sfly?fid=f75d143e74c8c001&sid=0AcNG7hm0ZuGLIlA ). Al is a trucker by trade but is an artist with a lathe and a milling machine spending his time building and repairing steam engines so my quattro job was a bit of a change for him (but a bit simple). When I get a few minutes (hours) over the Christmas break  I?ll have a go at fitting the new link although I?m not looking forward to putting in the little wire clips that stop the sockets coming off the ball ends. Anyone an
> y handy tips on an easy way to fit those? Will it be another 7? long double jointed fingers job? From anyone who has taken this route I?d be interested to know if I should expect a major improvement? (I guess it will depend upon whether it is the real cause of the poor shift...). Next will be finding a way to improve/replace the big ball end socket on the long link from the stick....any suggestions/mods to improve this one? Any advice gratefully accepted ? as always.
> All the best
> Keith
> ?87 WR
> p.s. are there any downsides to taking this route? ? I guess Audi used the rubber cups to reduce noise/vibration etc.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2011 14:03:51 -0500
> From: "Chris Miller" <c1j1miller at aol.com>
> To: "'Keith Lloyd'" <spotatashleys at hotmail.com>, <urq at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: [urq] gear linkages again.
> Message-ID: <02e001ccbdb7$c8200bf0$586023d0$@com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="utf-8"
> I'd start comparing to other VWs first, as ours is likely similar.  Here's one:
> http://www.4crawler.com/Diesel/ForSale/ShiftLinkage.shtml
> I've got a spare Scirocco transmission in the garage; I can measure the typical shift rod parts to compare to the Audi 5 speed parts.
> The Urq has the engine out right now so I can take some photos if that helps.
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Keith Lloyd
> Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 1:45 PM
> To: urq at audifans.com
> Subject: [urq] gear linkages again.
> All the chat the other week about gear selector linkages set me thinking. The gear shift in my quattro has never been great and I know the short link with the two rubber cups has some play in it. Someone  on the list mentioned making a link using the ball end sockets from a failed boot strut. So I found a strut and a spare short link I had lying around and my mate Al Bishop has machined some threads and made a link up for me. (see picture by following the link http://share.shutterfly.com/share/received/welcome.sfly?fid=f75d143e74c8c001&sid=0AcNG7hm0ZuGLIlA ). Al is a trucker by trade but is an artist with a lathe and a milling machine spending his time building and repairing steam engines so my quattro job was a bit of a change for him (but a bit simple). When I get a few minutes (hours) over the Christmas break  I?ll have a go at fitting the new link although I?m not looking forward to putting in the little wire clips that stop the sockets coming off the ball ends. Anyone an
> y handy tips on an easy way to fit those? Will it be another 7? long double jointed fingers job? From anyone who has taken this route I?d be interested to know if I should expect a major improvement? (I guess it will depend upon whether it is the real cause of the poor shift...). Next will be finding a way to improve/replace the big ball end socket on the long link from the stick....any suggestions/mods to improve this one? Any advice gratefully accepted ? as always.
> All the best
> Keith
> ?87 WR
> p.s. are there any downsides to taking this route? ? I guess Audi used the rubber cups to reduce noise/vibration etc.
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> End of urq Digest, Vol 98, Issue 17
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