[urq] FW: ur-quattro article on Hemmings

dgraber460 at aol.com dgraber460 at aol.com
Mon Jan 24 08:23:59 PST 2011

I would appreciate a copy.
When you think about the US marketing of the URQ, remember that they were sold in dealerships that were usually Porsche-Audi combinations.
Sitting in the showroom next to a 928 and costing ~$4000 more...which would you have picked? An aerodynamic Porsche or a slab sided rolling brick, FIVE cylinder Audi? Considering Audi's presence in the States at the time, and what Audi products Americans had seen up to that point, it is not a real shocker it didn't sell in large numbers.
Sure loving mine now though.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Torres <bike-doctor at hotmail.com>
To: urq at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, Jan 24, 2011 7:58 am
Subject: [urq] FW: ur-quattro article on Hemmings

orry I attached the file to the Urq list and it was too big.

f anyone is interested in the article I can send you a PDF file.

emmings Sports & Exotic Car.  March 2011.
he entire mag is on e-tipe Jaguars, but one page at the end is on:
"Famous Over There"  Audi Quattro
 world-famous, game changing machine that no one bought.

~~~~~~~~~ __o 
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~~~~ (    )  /  (    )  ™
d Torres
A901038 UrQuattro
orwalk Ct 06855

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