[urq] Latest projects....

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Mon Jan 24 09:03:32 PST 2011

Well I performed the radiator upgr....err downgrade this weekend.  Swapped
out the leaking Ron Davis unit for an all metal Nissens.  Not as sexy that's
for sure - but will be fine for street use.
With my swap to an "AES" code 5ktq tranny this summer I inherited the front
mounted center diff lock actuator.  In the times since I've tried to use it
- it hasn't held locked  - its been sporadic - seemingly a vacuum leak -
although I could hear hissing at the diff lock panel.  hmmm.  Was going to
diagnose that but first swapped in another rotary diff lock panel I had.
ding ding ding.  Seems to be fixed engaged super quick on the test drive -
looking forward to a good snow.  
Went through a couple 80/100 H1 bulbs (or is it H4?? normals not highs)
recently.  Was weird - one died - installed a new one - it lasted a day.
Installed another one.  It's been fine for a few weeks.  Now I have no more
80/100 spare normal bulbs.  Where are people buying 80/100W Euro bulbs these
And my trunk shocks bit the dust.  I had just ordered them from autohausaz
when I saw that thread Saturday afternoon.  $20 each and already shipped.
Been driving the car quite a bit - good times. 
'84 urq 20Vt

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