[urq] removing old fuel from an urq that's been sitting

Phil Payne isham.research at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 14:03:03 PST 2012

I forgot:

Jumpering the fuel pump on an ur-quattro is dead easy - go to the main
fusebox, pull out the fuel pump relay from position 10 (usually has '67' on
top) and push in the copper bridge from position 8.

Good way to recover from vapour lock, too.

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 9:27 PM, W. Bean <theringmeister at triad.rr.com>wrote:

> I'm going to need to remove some fuel from an urquattro that's been
> sitting for a while as well as installing a new fuel pump. Is siphoning an
> issue on these cars? Any BTDT's short of dropping the tank?  It's been kept
> full of premium fuel but the gas is at least 2 years old.  I'm on digest so
> please email me direct when replying (as well as to the list)
> Thanks
> --
> Wylie Bean
> TheRingmeister at triad.rr.com
> 90 cq
> 91 90q20v sport
> 92 UrS4
> 08 Q7 3.6
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Phil Payne
07833 654800

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