[urq] rear wheel arches

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Wed Jan 9 12:32:56 PST 2013

My rear wheel arches are rusted away beyond easy repair . 
Previous owner used an angle grinder to make  room for 
bigger tyres ,  this is the result . . 
It looks ok from the outside , but it's all body filler and polyester . 
Good to last one or two years , certainly not good enough for a 
decent restauration . 

So I've got a problem . 
I've done my share of sheetmetal work in the past , but a wheel arch 
is beyond what 'im capable of . 
And both the inner and outer parts on both sides need to be repared 
or replaced .
I'm looking for a welded solution . No body filler or epoxy stuff or jb weld or 
whatever . 

So I think my best chances are to find a repair part from another car wich fits more or less , 
and adapt that . Would be nice if both the iinner and outer wheel arches were  available . 
Maybe somethig like the "funky fenders " we've seen in the past , I don't know . 
Doesn't have to be original , as long as it looks right and respects the lines of the urquattro 
that would be ok . 

Anyone ever did this ? 
Tips , tricks .... 


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