[urq] Looking for Eibach springs for UrQ

Schaible, David David.Schaible at jrspharma.com
Mon Dec 1 06:40:00 PST 2014

The H&Rs do have a stiff ride but the handling is great....my problem with them is the ride height, which has cost me two oil coolers.  If you drive nice roads or want to track the car the h&Rs are fine, I would stick with OEM springs if you can't find the eibachs unless the OEM springs have unknown mileage and age then I might lean toward the H&Rs if most of your driving will be on decent roads

David Schaible

JRS PHARMA LP | 2981 Route 22, Suite 1 | Patterson, NY 12563
(P) 845.878.8343 | www.highfunctionalityexcipients.com | www.jrspharma.com
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-----Original Message-----
From: urq [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of dgraber460 at aol.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 8:22 PM
To: jretal at gmail.com; urq at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [urq] Looking for Eibach springs for UrQ

I have a set of H&R springs hanging in the basement that I took off my 83 as it was indeed a bit harsh. I replaced them with Eibachs and like the ride better, but also noticed that when I was doing the swap the car had solid control arm bushings. I replaced those at the same time, so I can not unequivocally say the ride was totally due to the springs. The H&R's also let the car ride lower than the Eibachs.


-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Rettaliata <jretal at gmail.com>
To: urq <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Wed, Nov 26, 2014 9:51 am
Subject: [urq] Looking for Eibach springs for UrQ

Hello all,

So I've heard the phrase - rarer than hen's teeth - many a time when looking for parts for these cars, but alas... here I am.

My dad, brother and I are in the midst of restoring (literally - bare
shell) our '83 UrQ and would like to lower it.  While we had the OEM springs blasted and powdercoated, we really would like a more performance oriented spring.

That being said, word on the street is that the H&R springs available from tirerack cause a rather harsh ride... so I'm now looking for those hen's teeth!

MORAL: Anyone have or know of anyone selling a complete set of Eibach springs for an UrQ?  Any help is MUCH appreciated!

Getting the car back from the blaster/powdercoater in the next few weeks
(hopefully) and want to make it a roller again and would love to only assemble the uprights ONCE.  I purchased new bilstiens for all 4 corners, so we just need the springs.

Thanks all!

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