[urq] seized nissan engine , update

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Mon Dec 1 07:09:30 PST 2014

A couple of weeks back I had a rebuild engine that seized after 15 secs of running . 
Took it apart , and found the first main bearing fused to the crankshaft . 

So I had the crankshaft reground , luckily they were avle to polish the white metal off withour actually regrinding . 
Meaning no oversized bearings were needed . 
New beraings were bought ; and while putting it all back togehter again , it suddenly hit me like a bolt of lightning . 

Stupid me myself and I put the bering caps in the wrong order . 
Nr 3 is unique and cannot be misplaced . 
Nrs 1 and 2 , and 4 and 5 go on opposite sides of the n,r 3 right ? 
I could have kicked myself in the b*tt . 
When I put it together the first time , I started counting from the gearbox side . 
Meaning caps nr 1 and 5 , and caps nr 2 and 4 were in each others place . 
Still , the crankshaft turrned quite good . 

Now however , with the caps the right way , the crankshaft turns almost frictionless . 

So I fired it up today , had it idle for a while to warm up . 
Allowed it to cool down , fired it up again this time revved it a couple of times .... 

Looking good this time . 
Feeling relieved , and still a little stupid .... 

But round here we have a saying 
He who does nothing or tries nothing makes no mistakes :)) 


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