[urq] URQ windshield gasket group buy update

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 15 09:50:26 PDT 2014

I just logged in for the first time in quite some time.  Just had a baby and been trying to get ready to move back to Spokane from NY.  
Are these still available.  I read through a few of the messages.  Looks like you intent to do a 2nd Batch?  What I didn't see was the pricing.  
1) Can I still get in on the deal.
2) How much will 1-Gasket be?


On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 11:28 AM, Karasaki <johnkarasaki at msn.com> wrote:
I have good news and not so good news.

The good news is that the first nine people that paid me should see their gaskets around the 3rd week in December.

The not so good news is that I don’t want to accept any more money right now until the factory in Germany can tell me when the next batch (15+) that we need will be ready. When I first contacted them, either they didn’t think I was serious or maybe they thought that I couldn’t pull so many people together so quickly.

They didn’t grasp how much we love our urqs!

So here is the list of the people that paid me in the order received:

John Karasaki
Tony Lum
Dennis Graber
David Ritter
Jason Mawhinney
Matt Szwed
Eddie Pyle (qty. 2)
Michael Anonymous
Alan Pemberton (qty. 1 of 2 paid for)

I will get back with the company after the holiday (ours as I don’t think Germany celebrates USA’s thanksgiving) so I can get a commitment from them about the next batch. They could not provide an ETA yet.

Thanks for your patience!                           
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