[urq] URQ windshield gasket group buy update
johnkarasaki at msn.com
Sun Jun 15 14:21:29 PDT 2014
They are available and I can do a second run. I have one gasket mostly prepaid from the first run.
However, I was really hoping that one of our UK list members would intervene and offer a solution from their country. It is a royal pain to work with the German company. Friendly and all, but extremely laid back and unresponsive.
I think they are using Google translate. So when I say to them "I need 30 gaskets right away and I will pay you right now" it must translate to "When you get around to it in a month or two, please sell me 10 gaskets. Pretty please, when you've got the time."
> Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 09:50:26 -0700
> From: tquattroguy at yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: [urq] URQ windshield gasket group buy update
> To: johnkarasaki at msn.com; urq at audifans.com
> John,
> I just logged in for the first time in quite some time. Just had a baby and been trying to get ready to move back to Spokane from NY.
> Are these still available. I read through a few of the messages. Looks like you intent to do a 2nd Batch? What I didn't see was the pricing.
> 1) Can I still get in on the deal.
> 2) How much will 1-Gasket be?
> Thanks
> Todd
> On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 11:28 AM, Karasaki <johnkarasaki at msn.com> wrote:
> I have good news and not so good news.
> The good news is that the first nine people that paid me should see their gaskets around the 3rd week in December.
> The not so good news is that I don’t want to accept any more money right now until the factory in Germany can tell me when the next batch (15+) that we need will be ready. When I first contacted them, either they didn’t think I was serious or maybe they thought that I couldn’t pull so many people together so quickly.
> They didn’t grasp how much we love our urqs!
> So here is the list of the people that paid me in the order received:
> John Karasaki
> Tony Lum
> Dennis Graber
> David Ritter
> Jason Mawhinney
> Matt Szwed
> Eddie Pyle (qty. 2)
> Michael Anonymous
> Alan Pemberton (qty. 1 of 2 paid for)
> I will get back with the company after the holiday (ours as I don’t think Germany celebrates USA’s thanksgiving) so I can get a commitment from them about the next batch. They could not provide an ETA yet.
> Thanks for your patience!
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