[urq] prepump filter

Jack Walker jack at walkerperformancegroup.com
Thu May 1 11:07:40 PDT 2014

Yeah that's outrageous,



$9.85 for the 3299, vs the $7-8 for the 3022


Guess if it's this expensive we should look for something elseJ



From: mdeltergo <mdeltergo at hotmail.com>

To: Patrick Carlier <p.carlier at pandora.be>, urq at audifans.com

Subject: Re: [urq] prepump filter

Message-ID: <SNT405-EAS3616CC9B3AB3DFD8D888EF7A4410 at phx.gbl>

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If it has to be 1/2 inch ?thtoughput, NAPA 3299 has the same specs as 3278
but is all metal and more expensive.


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