[V6-12v] Replacing brake fluid

George Tur getur at optonline.net
Wed Dec 31 10:56:15 EST 2003

On Wednesday 31 December 2003 08:17, clive young wrote:
> Marc
> I have heard of such legendary Bomb.. I thought it was just a myth (
> especially since I couldn't find it on my car ) . I have your typical
> reservoir , which feeds a master cylinder. From there it feeds the ABS
> control unit and out to the brakes, maybe because I have a 95 I don't have
> a bomb in my car ?.. or maybe it is because I am not in the mob? :-) -----
> Original Message -----
Not sure what they did after 1995, but from the mid 80s until at least 1995 
all the Audis had the "bomb". It's a separate circuit that is used for the 
power assist on the steering and braking. It's sole purpose is to keep 
hydraulic pressure up in case there is a loss of power so that power assist 
remains for the brakes and steering. I'm not sure if any other automotive 
criminal organization besides Audi uses one.

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