[V6-12v] Vacuum Locks Question

Matt Bliefernich bliefernich at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 10 13:02:02 EST 2004

The other day after driving to work I hit the infrared remote and locked the 
car but heard a loud sucking sound from under the right side of the trunk.  
I figured one of the vacuum hoses had a hole or something like that but now 
a couple of days later the vacuum locks don't work at all.  I have not yet 
attempted seriously to take a look at the problem because it has been below 
zero consistently lately.  So I figured while waiting for decent weather I 
would ask the list if anybody has BTDT?  I am assuming that the vacuum pump 
is behind the carpeting in the trunk.  Does anybody know what size hosing 
the vacuum uses and if it is particularly dificult to replace?  Could there 
be a problem with the pump?  I still hear the pump every time I use the key 
or try the remote.  Thanks everybody.  Oh by the way I have a '95 A6 

Matt Bliefernich

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