[V6-12v] Replacing brake fluid

Frank Chapchuk chapchuk at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 2 10:02:45 EST 2004


I made the pressure bleeder described in the web site below. It works really 
good. You can get all of the parts except the cap at Home Depot. I used an 
old brake fluid cap I had laying around instead of the special one he 


----Original Message Follows----
From: "clive young" <cyoung1661 at rogers.com>
Reply-To: clive young <cyoung1661 at rogers.com>
To: "Audi list" <v6-12v at audifans.com>
Subject: [V6-12v] Replacing brake fluid
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 21:04:14 -0500

Hi Guys

Have any of you tried replacing your brake fluid? On previous cars I would 
"vacuum" out the brake fluid from the reservoir with a syringe taking most 
of the crud with it to the bottom of the reservoir , top up with new fluid 
and do the old foot pump techique to push the old fluid out of the lines 
until the clear stuff came through.
     The Audi has a small filter screen in the reservoir that I just can not 
remove. I suppose I could push all that old fluid through the sytem but I 
hate doing that if I don't have too. Is there something I am missing here ?

Any info would be helpful


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