[V6-12v] Hesitation

James4ihl at aol.com James4ihl at aol.com
Sat Jan 24 10:44:02 EST 2004

Jon --

Ah - the MAF sensor. Sorry, it was the MAP that had me confused. I've never 
removed that, as it's apparently a MEGA expensive part, and I always imagined 
the sensor to be like a fine wire that I could break if I touched it! Is this 
true, or am I being over-cautious? Did you just clean it with isopropyl 

One of the first things I tried was a fuel system/ injector cleaner additive, 
and it's now had two lots of this since I bought it about 2 years ago. It was 
my trusty mechanic who changed the fuel filter as part of the normal service. 
He didn't mention it was clogged up, and he's the type of guy who, if it was, 
would tell me that I needed to get the tank flushed out. Also, the car had a 
new fuel pump a year ago, which fits in the fuel tank, and he didn't mention 
that was gunged up at the time either. It is a possibility, I agree, but I 
think its at the less-likely end of the list at the moment. I use super premium 
fuel and don't tend to run the tank to empty.

Let me know if you have any more ideas - thanks for the MAF idea, I'll have a 
go at it and let you know how I get on. The only other thing that occured to 
me was that the 02 sensors are overdue for replacement, but I didn't know if 
they would cause this type of problem...


In a message dated 24/1/04 2:58:05 pm, spensko at cox-internet.com writes:
> James,
>  Try this site, http://www.gatewaycleanair.com/mechanic/air4_4/dirtymaf.htm 
> ,
>  on the V6 - 12V engine this is a very easy access.  It is right next to the 
> air cleaner, only two screw and you have it!  I used Alcohol to clean mine, 
> many have speculated on our AUDI Fans Site that it is damageable with caustic 
> chemicals.  I used Q-Tips after dipping in the cleaning fluid.  Clean it 
> even if it doesn't look dirty.  Don't touch it after cleaning.  Hopefully that 
> will correct your problem.  I will try to rack my personal archives for other 
> fixes if this doesn't work for you.
>  Another thought, was the fuel filter clogged before?  Have you run it out 
> of gas since the replacement?  Could be a repeat replacement if your tank is 
> full of stuff.  Another possibility is clogged injectors.  Have you put in a 
> strong gas additive to clean them out?
>  Good Luck
>  JS

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