[V6-12v] transmission screech

The CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Sun Jul 4 13:56:48 EDT 2004

On a related note:

If your battery voltage drops too low, electrical systems all over the 
car start misbehaving, usually starting with the sunroof not operating 
or not operating correctly, followed directly by a host of other 
periphreal controllers. This is the Audi early warning battery failure 
system notification that Hans und Franz built into the car by accident.

Solution: Check battery voltage at battery terminals (under rear seat 
on 4-doors) or at jumper point under the hood with both the engine off 
(voltage needs to be greater than 12.4 volts) and with the engine 
running (battery voltage needs to be greater than 12.8 volts). If 
engine off voltage is too low, replace the battery. If engine running 
voltage is too low, replace battery with known good one and remeasure; 
if still too low, replace rectifier pack on Alternator or replace 
entire alternator.

=-= Marc Glasgow

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