[V6-12v] all quiet on the AUDI Front

Tom Christiansen tomchr at ee.washington.edu
Sat Mar 20 21:13:38 EST 2004


> We go over to the shop 
> to pick up the car and find a bill in it for the work that was done. The bill 
> shows charges for the windshield washers, and hood latch spring and it shows 
> 2 hours of work to tear down and button up the reverse switch. Now I believe 
> I shouldn't have been charged for that time. If they had completed the work 
> then yes charge me for it, but in this case the work was not completed and 
> since the car had been promised for that day we have made plans accordingly. 
> I think it's unfair for the shop to charge me for incomplete work that was 
> caused by their mistake. 

There is such a thing as a screw extractor. It's essentially a left hand
threaded tap which you use to drive out the screw. But it obviously
won't work if the screws are rusted in place.

I had a shop attempt to change the ignition switch for me. The car was
in the shop anyway, and they had the part, so why not... But the
(independent) shop guys tried to get to the switch from the bottom (!)
not by removing the instrument cluster and reaching through the hole.
After messing with it for a while they concluded that they couldn't
complete the job in the allotted time. So they aborted. The amount I was
charged was the amount quoted for the rest of the repair job (starter
replacement), so I don't think they charged for the ign. switch mishap. 

At a different shop with an older audi I was once charged an extra half
hour because there was a bolt which was tough to remove. That I found
was a bit excessive.

In your case I would definitely have a chat with the management at that
shop about their level of service...


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