[V6-12v] Resistor Pack for Blower Fan

Clive Young cyoung1661 at rogers.com
Fri Nov 12 16:37:08 EST 2004

Hi Guys 

Long time listers will remember my $1.00 power resistor repair to my resistor pack for my blower. Not to be like those investors who only tell you when they make money, never when they lose it I have some sad news to report. After about 8 months my blower stopped working again in any other position than full blast. i had a suspicion, and when I took out the r- pack there was my  resistor cracked right in 2 . Oh well ! I went to the wreckers and got a whole r pack out of a 94 VW for $5.00. Oh well , at least my 50c lightbulbs in the window switches are still working :-)

Clive Young 
95 90S FWD 5SPD

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