[V6-12v] Dashboard Revisited

The CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Wed Nov 17 16:01:48 EST 2004

usually it's a bad solder joint at one of the pins, often to a ribbon 
cable connection. You may also have build-up on the actual pins for the 
connector(s), including the ribbon connectors and the bulb sockets. 
Spraying the whole assembly down with a high grade electronics cleaner 
($7, home depot) should remove much of the possible pin build-up issue; 
as for the solder joint, it's a matter of searching diligently or 
simply hitting all of them.

Good Luck!
=-= Marc Glasgow

On Wednesday, November 17, 2004, at 06:59  AM, James Whitehouse wrote:

> Hi Guys (and Gals?)
> Just need a little more advice on my dashboard, please. I replaced 
> some of
> those bulbs and refitted the dashboard. The result? Now the entire 
> revometer
> side isn't working. Unless you give the top of the dashboard a light 
> tap, in
> which case the whole lot spring to life :)
> Any ideas as to what normally goes on these - I'd rather not have to 
> keep
> bashing it, and sometimes it doesn't work. Is it a dry joint, or a 
> connector
> problem, or what? All of the gauges work, so it's definitely getting a 
> feed
> there, I'm guessing it's some kind of internal connection problem.
> Any thoughts gratefully accepted!
> Cheers
> James Whitehouse

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