[V6-12v] Potential fan and power fluid issues..

Heather Mehlschau h_mehlschau at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 20 13:21:56 EDT 2005

My '97 A4Q, V6 has 141K and just developed 2 interesting issues. Maybe there is a previous post on these or if someone had the same problem please advise.
1.) When I first start the car in morning/ after being parked outside on inclined driveway, it has a "moaning" sound when driving initially under 15 mph. Is this bad fluids? Havn't had the system flushed yet, but will soon. ( I live in Oakland, CA - so not really cold weather).
2.) If the car gets hot and the fan kicks in - when temp. gauge is slightly right of center line, I get a high whine from the engine fan area; sounds like a "dentists tooth drill". Is this a bad fan or other component? The noise stops when the motor turns off.
- Heather

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