[V6-12v] Oil filters

Tom Christiansen tomchr at ee.washington.edu
Thu Apr 21 17:13:13 EDT 2005


Changed the oil on my 1994 90S today. While in there I took a closer look 
at the engine to figure out if I had the early AAH or the later (12.94) 
AAH/AFC hybrid.

Engine type: AAH (11.94 or earlier). No punch marks or recessed lift points 
on the engine.

Now the question: The Bentley manual claims that the oil filters for the 
two engine types (AAH and AAH/AFC + AFC) are not interchangeable. Does this 
mean that the threads are different and, thus, won't fit or that the 
filters have different characteristics? Which part number is the correct 
filter for the engine? The p/n I've been using for the past couple of years 
is 034 115 561A (Mann W719/30)

While changing the filter I noticed that it says "Langzeitfilter - 30000 km 
- 2 Jahre" (= long life filter - 30000 km - 2 years) on it. Now, 30000 km 
(~20000 miles) sounds like quite a bit between oil changes. And I've always 
been told that if you can't afford to change both the oil and the filter, 
change the filter. What's the deal with these long life filters?? Do you 
just change the oil every 3000 miles and only replace the filter every 6 
oil changes or so? Given that the filter is only $8.50 (granted, that is 2x 
what a FRAM piece of junk costs) it seems silly to not change the filter if 
you're in there anyway.


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