[V6-12v] how do you test for spark?

James Whitehouse jamescarstuff at aol.com
Fri Feb 4 16:15:17 EST 2005

FYI - in Euro models, the OEM part has been changed by Audi from Bosch to
NGK (same three-electrode plug, but they reckon higher quality and
longevity, not that I've noticed any difference in running, in practice).
Tom's right though, the gap is still factory adjusted whether you go
bosch/ngk, you don't set the gap on these engines, just buy the correct

On 4/2/05 8:43 pm, "Tom Christiansen" <tomchr at ee.washington.edu> wrote:

> Kent,
> At 11:02 AM 2/4/2005, Kent McLean wrote:
>> What's the best way to test for a spark at the spark plugs?
> Take the plug out and ground it on an engine part. Then crank the engine.
>> a) I have one of those little spark testers that let you
>>    turn a bolt to adjust the gap.  How big a gap?
> The plugs come preadjusted from the factory. Just buy the Bosch plugs with
> the 3-electrode setup from your favorite parts pusher and you'll be all set.
> Tom 
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