[V6-12v] K & N

The CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Fri Feb 11 05:07:15 EST 2005

I haven't used one on an Audi, but I know this from my motorcycle 
Generally, they flow less air at idle, about the same as stock at 
mid-RPM's and flow more than stock at high RPM's. Since the fuel-air 
mixture is controlled by the O2 sensors, the main benefit would be if 
you tend to run at high RPM's.

The filter material is oiled cotton gauze. This is only effective for 
as a long as the oil remains tacky and viable. Thus, unlike a 
paper-element filter which actually filters more with age (because the 
pores are clogging up), the K&N filters less with age, and if ignored 
too long, may effectively not filter at all. Price the wash/re-oiling 
kit when figuring into the life-cycle costs.

=-= Marc Glasgow

On Friday, February 11, 2005, at 02:05  AM, sub wrote:

> Any one use it, does it make a diffirence on the 12v v6 engine ?
> thanks
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