[V6-12v] Bad fuel pump???
Lino M. Valadas
l.valadas at rogers.com
Sun Jul 30 22:47:52 EDT 2006
I got the fuel pump replaced on the 93 90qs. Not really a bad job. Thanks
Frank for the tip on removing the pump from its cradle. Without your tip I
would have gone to buy the darn 3214 since there was not way that thing was
going to budge out of its cradle.
However I would caution anyone doing this job to ensure you have more than
adequate ventilation in the area you do the work. The fuel fumes are
everywhere. I was concerned about my shop light switch causing a spark that
would ignite fumes. Obviously it did not happen. But when I dropped the
light over the open tank with some fuel still in and caught it only a split
second from it shattering over the open hole (cause I had a large metal
screw driver lying across it and the protective cover had come off the
florescent tube which was now exposed) I had to take a break to reassess
the situation. So, be careful out there.
Thanks for all your advice
----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Chapchuk" <chapchuk at hotmail.com>
To: <drgerlists at gmail.com>; <l.valadas at rogers.com>
Cc: <V6-12v at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: [V6-12v] Bad fuel pump???
> Replaced my fuel pump on a '92 100 a few years ago. Not sure if the
> procedure is the same for your car. After I realized what the Bentley was
> telling me to do the job wasn't too bad. Once the job was done, someone
> me of an easier method.
> Its a lot easier if you get most of the gas out of the tank. Access to the
> pump is through a round cover plate in the trunk. There are some fuel
> and electrical connections to remove. Remove the fuel gauge and you can
> the fuel pump housing. The Bentley uses a special tool to grab the housing
> and turn it about 1/4 turn to remove it. I used a long screwdriver and
> rubber mallet (no sparks). There are notches on the housing where you can
> position the screwdriver. Tap the screwdriver with the mallet to turn the
> housing.
> Once the housing is out there is a clip (or two) you remove and the fuel
> pump will pull straight out of the housing. This leads to the question
> "can't you just remove the clips with the housing still in the tank ??" I
> think you can. That would make the job much easier.
> Important - Change the fuel filter too. I didn't and the car ran like crap
> after a few miles.
> "Lino M. Valadas" <l.valadas at rogers.com> wrote:
> !My wife's 93 90q (v6 2.8 12v), cranks but does not start. No fuel. When
> !whack the gas tank under the car the fuel pump wakes up and the thing
> !starts. Does this mean a bad fuel pump or just bad connections
> !Any BTDT before I attempt to replace the pump on a full tank of gas of
> !course?
> Very likely a pump starting to fail.
> How loud is the pump when it runs ?
> The pump in our our 95 90q had been getting a little noisey of late,
> until it "failed" on day last month.
> Tapping the fuel tank got it going again,
> but you could definitely hear it when it ran
> after that first failure to start.
> I had a local shop replace it (along with the fuel filter)
> for about 450$US (fair, considering it's been over a year
> since we need to have anything done to the car).
> They did comment to me that they needed a special tool
> to remove the pump from its mount inside the tank.
> You'll certainly want to have a look at the Bentley manual
> for more details before getting too far along
> (I don't have access to mine at the moment).
> I'm interested, too, in reading what other list members
> have to say about their BTDT stories.
> I suppose if you (or your wife) doesn't mind tapping
> the fuel tank prior to starting the car,
> you might be able to use up some of that fuel
> while you're waiting for your new pump & filter
> to arrive !
> --
> Dr Gary E RAFE: drgerlists at gmail dot com
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