[V8] Sensor Removal

Jeff Goldberg jgoldberg at ntelos.net
Sun Dec 28 19:26:09 EST 2003

>From the archives...

Keith wrote:

Opinions vary on the best way to remove these two sensors
and my way involves
a lift and an air impact so I will leave the actual
procedure alone. Both
sensors are mounted in the same fixture on the left side of
the block behind
the exhaust header. There is a head shield that is part of
the assembly. Two
10mm bolts hold everything together, remove these and the
whole assembly pops
right out. The connectors are under the left distributor.

Bob Wise wrote:

The part number for the rpm sensor is 077 905 381A. It is
the Grey
connector. As for changing it, I found out the hard way that
it is much
easier to remove the drivers side wheel to gain access to
the steering arm
hole and allowing easier access to the connector. There is a
small spring
loaded lock that you have to squeeze to remove the plug.

Etdmail Wrote:

Just finished the replacement of a flywheel sensor in my V8.

Wanted to post the procedure, I found best, for other
Who may have found, that their local mechanic, refused to
on the job! (And need to attempt the replacement

Also, much thanks to all ... Who had provided me assistance.

Audi V8 Symptoms: Initially; Hot Starting problems
(Would restart after cool down.)
Later; Engine stalling out while driving.
(Would later restart after cool down.)

Recommended: Replacing both TDC and RPM sensors on high
mileage cars. (ECU tests may confirm.)

Sensors: (2) @ $100.00 - $189.00 / ea. (Your mileage may

Component Location(s):

Sensor Plugs: Top rear of engine-block, Under drivers-side

Sensors (2): Behind sensor heat-shield behind drivers-side
header near fly-wheel.

See: Audi Service and Training Manual, on CD Pg. 34 for
exploded view.

Tools:     (1)  1/4"  Ratchet, 10 mm. Socket, and extension
                (1)   3/8" Ratchet  13 mm. and 17 mm.
                (1)   Long Shank Medium Sized Phillips
                (1)   Large Size Straight Slot Screwdriver
(Also, for Air Box)
                (1)   Long 10 mm. Off-set box Wrench

Proceedure(s):  Follow all cautions when raising and
supporting cars.

1a.) Sensor Plug, Access's:
       It is possible to reach in and un-lock and un-plug
these sensors
       from the steering rod opening, in the inner wheel
well, it looks
       possible to do this without removing the wheel if the
car is
       supported-up, from the frame.

       As a practical matter this way may be impractical in
doing this job
       for the first time, as it is hard to see which plug
is which and how
       they come apart and go together. (These and other
plugs are tightly
       nestled in a mounting bracket close to the

1b.) Sensor Plug, Accesses:
        If the procedure above is impractical the plugs are
easy enough
        reached from the top by removing the complete Air
Cleaner Assy.

         Which requires removal of Strut tower brace first,
(4) 13 mm. bolts.
        (This needs to be torque'd to specs. when replaced,
40 ft./lbs. (?).)

         Pop up Ign. Wire Holder, move aside (Careful of
holder and wires!!)

         Remove cruise control vacuum actuator: (1) 10 mm.
bolt, line, rod.

         Remove bracket attached to rear of head: 13 and 17
mm. bolts

         This leaves access to plug cluster, Press
spring-lock(s) to undo.

         (May need to undo: top attaching bolt for trans
fill-tube to remove
           the sensor wires and their plugs for easier

2.)    Sensor Removal.
         Seems best done from below. Remove lower
engine-tray (10 mm).

          Reach around sub-frame front and back, (2 hands
seems best) to
          work 10 mm Box and 1/4' ratchet to remove (2)
sensor heat shield
          bolts ... and same for: (2) 10 mm. Sensor-block
mounting bolts.
          (Good to mark which sensor goes where in this
sensor block for
           correct placements in re-installation.)  [Clean
mountings ect.]

Re-installation: = reverse of removal



I removed mine from underneath as Ed suggests.  I agree with
Bob and removed the left wheel to get a better look at the
connectors.  They are pretty hidden.  Listers with X-ray
vision see them from the engine compartment:)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces+jgoldberg=ntelos.net at audifans.com
> [mailto:v8-bounces+jgoldberg=ntelos.net at audifans.c
> om]On Behalf Of Eddie
> Dial
> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 3:54 PM
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [V8] Sensor Removal
> I am trying to change my speed position sensor
> and the crank position sensor
> and can anyone provide some tips on the easiest
> way to get them out. I am
> having a extremely hard time. Any help would be
> greatly appreciated!  THANKS
> EVERYONE!! Ed Dial
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