[V8] fuel leak, new o-rings

Ed Kellock ekellock at adelphia.net
Wed Dec 31 20:53:03 EST 2003

I've just come in from pulling all 8 injectors and replacing the o-rings.  Well almost, on the very last injector as I was cleaning the tip, the plastic tip cap broke off.  (insert colorful 4-letter word here).  So I guess it will have to sit until at least Friday so that I can find a tip.  

What I found and what I believe to be the real cause of my fuel leak is that on the passenger side fuel rail, the o-rings on the rail end of the injectors were not installed on the injector and then pressed into the rail.  They were instead pressed into the rail and then just dropped on the injectors.  So the only thing holding the seal was the pressure applied by bolting down the fuel rail.  Neat.

Plus the mechanic responsible for the above FUBAR not only cut the tip-end o-ring when he installed a new injector two years ago, but it doesn't seem that he ever really got it seated right because it lifted right out when I raised the fuel rail.  Nice.

I do believe I'll let him know what I've found and just what I think about it.

In the meantime, I'll need to find an injector tip before I can put it all back together.

Hopefully I will have fixed the difficult cold starts (due to lost rest pressure) and the light surging which I've pretty much come to believe is a vacuum leak.

Happy New Year!

Ed in Colorado 

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