[V8] Driving w/o control

S_Matus scott_matus at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 26 11:44:48 EDT 2004

I remember about 20 years ago I had a Datsun Maxima where the clutch went out.  The Slave cylinder just would not pressurize (Seals gone).
At the time I was commuting from SE Wisconsin down to Rolling Meadows, Illinois.  A 56 mile one-way trip.  I noticed it on my last Toll Plaza about 15 miles from work.  That makes for an interesting drive when you cannot stop and lug the hell out of the engine just to slow enough to pay the next 3 damn tolls.  (I planned to have exact change).  I had no problems up or down shifting and only had to turn the car off once on the return trip, then start it back up to get the car rolling.  It is amazing how much power that Hitachi Stater had to move the car.

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