[V8] Stalling V8

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Thu Dec 9 15:30:18 EST 2004

I might add that the ready-made LED with built in resistor only runs about
$1.99 at Radio Shack.  All I did was use attach blade terminals (two for the
LED test light and another two for the trigger contact) and then use tin
snips to cut down the crimp bade terminals to fit into the terminal
connectors.  If the LED doesn't light up, switch the leads on the LED -- the
LED only works one way.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Buchholz, Steven" <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com>
To: <V8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 2:20 PM
Subject: RE: [V8] Stalling V8

... I have and heartily recommend the ProDiag software from
www.shadetreesoftware.com ... especially if you have an old Palm Pilot
sitting around not doing much else any more ... but honestly, you don't
need anything more than a chunk of wire and a light bulb to read out the
codes.  Check out Scott Mockry's site for details on how to read out the
codes and what they mean:


The one thing that having the software does is that you can read out the
diagnostic blocks ... this might give you a little more insight into a
problem like the one you describe.  My suspicion is that the problem is
related to the ISV ... but it might be something else ... does the
engine have problems running at idle when the transmission is in

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
> Now that I got the 92' rear brakes done, my son's 90' keeps
> stalling.  It seems to do it after the car has been driven
> and then sits between 30 minutes to an hour or so. If you
> keep your foot on the gas when you start it you can keep it
> going.  Is there a temp sensor that could be causing this problem?
> Also, it's time I break down and buy the software to pull the
> codes.  Where do I get it and what is the best one to get?
> Will the software work with all the V8's (90'-93')?  When I
> bought the 92' the seller gave me the adapter that plugs into
> the passenger floor board.
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