[V8] unisured motorist and sliding V8Q

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 21 08:15:23 EST 2004

To Katie:

I'm sorry to hear about your accident, but thought my
story might help you.  I was involved in a hit and run
on the highway a few years back with my 4000CS
Quattro.  The guy sideswipped me, and - after figuring
out what the hell had just happened - took off. 
Luckily, it was only a honda civic, so my 4000CSQ was
able to keep pace until I was able to get the plate
down and drive to the local police.  After several
days of searching, they found the car that hit me -
exactly as I described.  The insurance company then
called me to tell me that the other car's company
wouldn't cover the accident.  Turns out it was the
girl's boyfriend who was driving the car - without a
license or insurance.  Because "he didn't have her
expressed consent" to drive the car, her insurance
wouldn't cover the damages to either car.    Luckily,
my policy covered the damages to my car, which  again
luckily were quite minor.  It was unisured motorist
that saved me - but it was something that I had to opt
for in RI - a state which also requires mandatory
insurance.  On the value of your car, I would say no
more than 1000$, unfortunately.

On a side note, my 4.2 with Yoko Avid's likes to slide
in our recent snowfall.  A lot.  Almost as much as my
4000CSQ when it had Sport 8000 Dunlops.  Throttle is
very touchy in the white stuff.  Snow tire time....


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