[V8] new member of the list - hello!

z1sales at z1auto.com z1sales at z1auto.com
Sat Dec 25 13:10:10 EST 2004

Hi guys - just wanted to say I have been studying the list for the past couple days and it really
appears to be a great source of info.

I am close to buying a '90 V8 Quattro as a winter car- my 350Z just cannot cut it in the snow and
ice!  I had an 00 S4 for a while before selling it, and loved the way the car drove.  I am, by
nature, a Japanese performance car "guy" though :)

I have located one from a very reputable seller, but don't know all that much about the car yet,
other that it appears to be clean in the pics and is at a price that's hard to pass up.  One thing
I have been told (a good friend is an Audi master tech at a local dealership), is the timing belts
are an issue since its a contact motor.  I was surprised these had belts not chains, but ah well. 
Assuming there are no records of this repair with the car, is there any way to check if its been
done?  I am very used to Japanese cars, but not very familiar with the Audi's at all from a repair

Anything else I should look at on the car - will likely be travelling to see it Monday

TIA and Merry X mas to all who celebrate!


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