[V8] I got it

Michael Larosa Jr Mc.Larosa at Sun.COM
Tue Dec 28 14:47:09 EST 2004

Timing Belt is a thousand dollar project....  You need to find if it's been done 
and documented...

Changing one is not for the feint of heart....


z1sales at z1auto.com wrote:
> Well, will be getting it tomorrow.  '90 V8 Quattro, black on black.  She needs a couple (hopefully)
> small things:
> 1. climate control  - vents open and close and display works but no fan action - was told to check
> the blower motor, fuses, the obvious.
> 2. fuel gauge does not work 
> 3. battery light is on - will go through the basics of alternator, battery, and wiring to figure it
> out
> 4. ABS light is on - again, gotta go through this one to figure it out.
> All in all though the car is very clean, all together, and starts and drives great from the brief
> drive I took.  Fluids are all there and are the right colors :)
> Only thing I still need to try to figure out is when the t belt was last done...trying to get some
> info from the owner on this if he can locate it.  If not, I suspect we'll check the belt condition
> and go from there.
> Overall though I think this will be a great winter car for me, so i am excitied :)
> Adam
> Z1 Performance
> www.z1auto.com
> 631-863-3820
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     _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/     _/      Mike LaRosa
    _/      _/    _/  _/_/   _/       TSE - HAS
   _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/  _/ _/        1617 Southwood Drive
      _/  _/    _/  _/   _/_/         Nashua, NH 03063
_/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/     _/
   S U N                              Phone: 781/442-1250
   S E R V I C E S                    Fax: 781/442-5488
                                      Email:mc.larosa at sun.com

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