[V8] oil leak/ RMS

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 17 17:35:30 EST 2004


  Well I got a chance to crawl under the car today &
noticed alot of oil on the under side of the
block/tranny, on the pass side cat, 
 under side of the tranny pan, all over the 02 sensor,
basicly all over the underside of the car as far back
as the front of the rear doors. So that would have to
mean RMS,
 whats involved in this? Any write ups on it? I have
the factory manuals for the car to make it easier, a
friend to help,
 a garage, tools, & a LOVE for this car. Also what
other things should I do while im in there? I've
wanted to do the straner, gaskets, & oil for the
tranny probley a good time for that huh?
 Any additional BTDT would be great.
87 5ksq many mods original owner
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