[V8] Re: Headlight switch

Gunter lorberg at adelphia.net
Wed Feb 18 22:23:35 EST 2004

Just a follow up question ...........I recently acquired a Canadian '90 V8Q
which has the daytime running lights.  Correct me if I'm wrong but I
understand that this system came with a relay and that it is therefore not
prone to failure.  I am, however, not entirely satisfied with the overall
power (just not enough lumens) of the lighting system and would consider
tossing in some more powerful bulbs if the system could handle it (your link
with the wiring diagram mentioned something about 200W bulbs).  Do you have
any thoughts on the feasibility of this?


Gunter, Cleveland

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kent McLean" <kentmclean at mindspring.com>
To: <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 8:10 PM
Subject: [V8] Re: Headlight switch

> <george.fallot at verizon.net> wrote:
> > I finally got around to trying to fix my no low beam trouble on my 90
> V8.
> > I took apart the switch but didn't find anything wrong with it. I
> cleaned it up
> > anyway and put it back together. The only thing I found  was that the
> top
> > right pin on the connector had been "over" heated. I cleaned that up
> also.
> > However, I still had no low beams. I checked the fuses again and they
> were
> > ok. I did notice that they had no power . Is this because the 12 volts
> comes
> > from the switch? Anybody have any advice?
> The 12v should go through the fuse to the switch
> to the lights. The 12v and enough amps to light the
> lights goes through the switch, which is what kills it.
> When you get them working, relay the dang lights
> -- then the switch is used to trip the relay, which
> is what delivers the big current to the lights, thereby
> sparing the headlight switch.
> http://www.humanspeakers.com/audi/headlight-simple.htm
> HTH,
> Kent
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