[V8] unabashed plug

David Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Thu Feb 19 19:58:06 EST 2004

For those of you who discuss V8 issues with Keith and Bruce 
(audiconnection.com), don't forget they can get new parts for good 
prices too. I was redfaced today after I talked about things with Keith 
and mentioned some 'dealer only' parts I had just gotten from Clair, 
only to have him rattle off his prices for them. At a significant 
discount or equal to what I paid.
Consider when you're ready to make that next order:
1.  Just how many V8 experts there are around these days. Especially 
ones committed to V8s, conversions and custom work.
2.  How many of them can you pick up the phone and just call.
3.  What that advice on the list and off is worth to you.

Audi V8 X 3

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