[V8] Missfire with A/C on

greg.moyle at mainroads.qld.gov.au greg.moyle at mainroads.qld.gov.au
Wed Feb 18 21:20:01 EST 2004

My 90 V8Q auto has developed a misfire or more a total cut-out but only
when the A/C is running. It seems to only be a problem above 2000rpm so
cruising around town isn't to much of a problem. When highway cruising the
motor seems to cut out momentarily every 40 seconds or so but sometimes
will run for a couple of minutes before doing so. The cut-out is so bad
sometimes the box will drop into limp mode but a restart will fix that.
Without the A/C on no problems even under heavy acceleration. This weekend
we have 41 degrees Celsius so the Black Audi will be staying home I think,
not much fun in a black car in that heat with no air.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Downunder Greg

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