[V8] Gimps one and two

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sun Jul 18 17:49:39 EDT 2004

I thought Shawn got rid of his Audi.  Sorry to hear about the injuries.
Feet are hard to heal up because we use them so much.

At 04:56 PM 7/18/2004 -0400, Dave Head wrote:
>Last night Shawn lost track of what he was doing while fussing with his 
>Audi and stepped on a soldering iron - result: 3rd dregree burn across 
>his foot...
>Today, dad's replacing old screens on the pool enclosure when the ladder 
>slides out from under. After 'hanging out' for awhile, drops into the 
>shallow end of the pool. Foot's not broke, but it ain't happy either...

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