[V8] Hard start when wet

Jason Wilkerson wilke_jb at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 1 11:21:24 EDT 2004

I'd start with the distributor caps, but the wires may be a good guess
too.  Take the covers off of the wires and remove the air box so you can
see all of the wires clearly, then start the car on a dark night to check
for sparks jumping from wires, then take them off and check too see if
they are within spec on the ohmmeter.  I have the original set of wires on
mine (175K)and they all check out correctly with no holes or rotting at
all - it would probably help to put some type of silicon on them to to
keep them from rotting, but I have not done this and they are fine.  If
the wires aren't the culprit I would check for a wet/cracked distributor
cap.  If you are running rich when it isn't raining check the O2 - if you
let it run too rich in either case you risk burning the cats up! - not to
mention the decrease in gas mileage.

              Good Luck,

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