[V8] HELP!!!! I'M BEING ROBBED!!!!!!!
Michael Larosa Jr
Mc.Larosa at Sun.COM
Wed Jun 2 15:01:03 EDT 2004
have you presented that letter from ZF to the mechanic ?
Oliver Gruber wrote:
> Ok, I had developed a leak in my hydraulic system and had to take it to the mechanic to have it replaced. It was under a three year warrantee from ZF industries and on the warrantee card it stated that in order to get a replacement unit, I needed to return to the original shop to have it repaired. Now I haven't been to this shop in quite a while for two reasons: One, the V8's been running great lately and hasn't needed to be worked on. Two, the mechanic that always worked on it is no longer there.
> Anyway, The owner of the shop tells me that I need a "warrantee registration number" from the factory (ZF Industries) in order to get a replacement unit. Now the warrantee card I have states that I need " The original Work Receipt, showing the date of installation". Nothing else. Now he tells me that the Distributor the unit was purchased from is no longer in business. He tells me that there is nothing he can do and how do I want to pay for that pump.
> I called ZF and inquired as to this problem. Here is a copy of their response.
> Hello Mr. Oliver,
> As per our conversation today, if the power steering pump is failing between the three years period you are entitle to get a replacement from the installer.
> The installer must contact their sale representative to obtain the replacement pump.
> You do not need any warranty number from us. You only need to present your work order or the invoice paper from the installer.
> Best regards/Mit freundlichem Gruss
> Tam Nguyen
> Service Support Manager
> ZF Industries Inc,
> 777 Hickory Hills Drive, Vernon Hills/IL 60061/USA
> Phone/Telefon +1 847-478-6765, Fax/Telefax +1 847-478-6774
> tam.nguyen at zf.com
> I'm at a loss as to what to do. I need this car but am outraged at being cheated. How should I respond? My wife is concerned about the shop damaging our car, and I'm pissed about having to shell out $500.00+ to get it back. Now he (the shop owner) hasn't refused to release the car yet but I believe its in pieces in one of his bays.
> Help!
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_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Mike LaRosa
_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ TSE - HAS
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Email:mc.larosa at sun.com
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