[V8] New Expansion Tank
dsaad at icehouse.net
dsaad at icehouse.net
Fri Jun 11 10:12:38 EDT 2004
I have been driving around for several years now on a repaired tank. Both the
bottom and top hose fittings had cracked. I just cut off the plastic hose barb
and tapped out the tank plastic and fitted metal hose barbs (pipe threaded) with
teflon tape thread sealant. Suprisingly, there is no seepage or leakage at all.
It seems to be a cheap, easy and permenant fix and I have been through both
extreme hot and cold and roughly 30K miles.
On the other hand, $55 seems reasonable for a new part. When I priced them the
part was over $100 but of course that was from my local dealer/rapist peterson
Quoting Jason Wilkerson <wilke_jb at yahoo.com>:
> Thanks guys,
> I thought I had time on this thing - so I sent the post about it -
> Shortly thereafter I had a heated swimming pool on the driveway. Anyway,
> I ordered one from Northside imports for about $55, maby I got ripped but
> it was the best I could find on short notice, and Northside is usually
> anywhere from 10% to 50% below anyone else. Wish I could have got one of
> the $20-25 ones!
> Thanks again,
> Jason
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