[V8] V8 5spd conversion...it can be done LONG!

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Thu Mar 4 09:20:34 EST 2004

Earlier, Shiv wrote:
> Now...for the good stuff.  The V8 can be converted to
> a 5 speed using ANY type 44 vehicle -- 100/5000/200
> quattro models.  The best donor vehicle is the '91 V8
> 5speed.  It has many advantages, including larger
> input shaft, and wiring is direct fit to the automatic
> V8.
> If you cannot get one, my personal opinion otherwise
> is to go with the '91 200q20v.  I used an '87 5000q
> non-turbo as my donor vehicle....I wouldn't recommend
> it...driveshaft U-joint won't hold the power...shifter
> bracket had to be modified....front axles no
> good....clutch too small...turbo cars' rear diff has
> 3.89 final drive (V8 has 4.11)...list gets a bit
> bigger.  But, if you have to, it can be used.  
> YOU NEED the PT engine code flywheel from a V8 5
> speed...nothing else works, dont try it.  
> If you do this conversion, you need 2-3 people at
> LEAST!  You'll need to fabricate and use your
> imagination on several parts...but the 016
> transmission from any of these cars, including the one
> from the '92-'94 S4, and '95 S6, will bolt up directly
> without modifications. ...

What parts did you use for the clutch?  When you say that the 
'87 5000Q clutch is too small, which parts are you talking about?
Clutch disk?  Pressure plate diameter, pressure, what?

One exception on your comments above.  The '92-'94 S4, and '95 S6
cars do not use a 016 transmission.  These cars use a type 01E
transmission, in either a 5 speed or 6 speed version.  The European
V8 powered cars, the V8 Quattro and the A8/S8, used a 016 if it was
a 5 speed car and used a 01E if it was a 6 speed car.  There is a
different clutch spline on the 01E input shaft from most of the
016 Quattro transmissions.  Also worth knowing is that some years
of the European A8's were available in non Quattro (2WD) versions, 
with either an autobox, 5spd, or 6spd.

There are a large variety of 01E Quattro transmissions running around.
I'm got a thorough coverage of this with part numbers and pictures of
differences and parts on these web pages:


The S-Car people are pulling over 400 hp in some cases, and there is 
a lot of interest in which transmission is strongest and what the points
of failure have been.  Those folks have also had groups of aluminum
flywheels manufactured, so it probably would be possible to get some 
built that would fit the V8 crankshaft.  They have also been the route
with aftermarket clutch parts, to hold the power for more than just
a few fast launches.  In Europe the '92 - '97 S4/S6 cars were available
with the 4.2L V8 and a 01E 6 speed.  So there ought to be European Audi
parts available to make about anything fit.

I ought to do some research on 016 transmission parts differences,
to have more information on Skiv's comments above.  I do know there
were (are?) some fruitcakes in the Chicago area that had a LT1 V8
in a 5kCSTQ body ... they only broke a few 016 gearboxes, and their
failures were things like the front pinion bearing.

    - Charlie

  Charlie Smith  charlie {at} elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418  
  http://www.elektro.com/~charlie          Columbus Ohio   USA
  http://www.elektro.com/~audi         photos & technical info

  95 S6 Quattro  -  24 PSI, RS2 6 speed, and other features  
  97 Dodge Ram   -  40 PSI, 4x4 w/Cummins turbo diesel

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