[V8] V8 5spd conversion...

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Thu Mar 4 14:04:52 EST 2004

60 hours UNBILLED...  it can't be that easy.

By the time the next person actually hikes his panties up enough to undertake a V8 5-speed swap himself, this and every related thread will be buried deep in the archives.  No two of these swaps will likely ever be the same, so a how-to is probably moot anyway.   And just as he has in the past, Keith and Co. will try to offer as much advice as reasonable & prudent -- far more than any local BMW master tech could.

Not to kiss his butt (it's of questionable hygiene anyway), but Keith offers up more publicly than I would, and I pray it continues.  But, in line with Steve B's (the other Steve B, not the '93 mit 5-speed Steve B) comment, their generosity probably contributes to the business they earn.

Further, I have received much-needed repair advice offlist from AC in the past, and at times I have provided (insultingly low) remuneration, either to them directly or at their suggestion, to Dan in their name.

So if the conversion were done by a lister and local electric fan repairman on the side (who would likely pay to never do one again), then I say bring on the soup-to-nuts how-to.  It'd probably be enough to make potential DIY'ers think 2x anyway, and go where the experience is.   The only thing more I'd toss out there is that, if it were me, I'd have credited AC from the git-go and suggested specific questions be routed there, and let them filter out the perverbial tire-kickers.

'91 5-speed, 205k miles, willing to trade for '93 w/ low miles.  I keep my trans and IC.


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