[V8] 5 spd conversion "pain list" by popular demand........

DasWolfen at aol.com DasWolfen at aol.com
Thu Mar 4 23:32:59 EST 2004

Major parts list:

A clutch/brake pedal assembly from a 89-91 100/200
The shifter "pocket" cut from said 100/200's tranny tunnel.
Shifter assembly
016 tranny with 4.11 final drive...V8, 5kq, or 100q
V8 flywheel
200q or V8 clutch kit depending on which tranny you use
2 front CV axles
5 spd Q driveshaft

 Major work thats not so obvious:

 front seats, console, and carpet removed from car.
 Trany controller and associated wiring removed
 Fabrication of new trany "sub" harness...unless you're lucky enough to have 
a 5 spd V8 parts donor
 *A LARGE hole cut out of your baby's tranny tunnel
 * Fabrication of structural patch to said hole and welding of patch and 
shifter pocket over hole...including seam sealer and heat insulation.  screw this 
up and you will have a very unpleasant hot air leak between the seats.
 * In 4.2 cars a mod is required to get the speedo to read correctly.
 * Several mods to the cruise wiring 
 Removal of instrument cluster to eliminate shifter display...unless you like 
staring at it all lit up.

* denotes the areas where I refuse to give details. Getting these areas 
correct took as much time as the rest of the conversion combined.

 Want one? Billing "begins" at 25 hours labor, ie: $1650.00 plus any new 
parts required.

 There are, or were, at least three more V8's being converted by their 
owners. I know this because each has ask for specific guidance. In each case when I 
mentioned I charge for consulting I never heard from that owner again. 

 I hope these owners are successful in their endevours and I don't even mind 
if they post pictures and a step by step proceedures online. That will be up 
to them. If someone else chooses to follow their proceedure thats fine too, 

 I would like to point out that the trany tunnel is a major structural member 
in a uni-body car. Screw up a mod like this and a car will quickly gain 
several very annoying squeaks and rattles. That single fact is a major reason why 
it took me as much time as it did before I made the first cut to Steve's 93. 
The patch I made to his tunnel is probably overkill but I knew when I was done 
that it was stronger and more rigid than when factory new.

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