[V8] V8 5 speed conversions

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Mar 5 07:33:50 EST 2004

Wow.  In MI, the annual license fee is pegged to the original retail price
of the vehicle, regardless of its age until it reaches the "antique" status
and is used only for occasional pleasure trips.  At that point, you can get
an antique car license that costs $25 and is good for life.

At 03:24 AM 3/5/2004 +0000, William Gutierrez wrote:
>All good points Mike, but here in California, the difference in annual 
>registration fees and insurance costs between a new car and our old V8s more 
>than justifies putting money in the old dog, even if we risk losing in the 
>event of an accident.  On my V8 for example, I pay reg. fees of $60, whereas 
>on my 2001 Yukon I pay over $500.  It add$ up!

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