[V8] Dry as a bone: the continuing saga of the oil leak repair in my'93 V8

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at downeast.net
Tue Mar 16 09:42:37 EST 2004

Yesterday, I had another visitation with my V8.  I thought I was picking it
up, but the mechanic had a load of shingles for his house that he is
rebuilding fail to show up on time, and he lost half a day trying to get the
building materials folks to drive down the road anyway.

But, what happened was that the new seal installed in for the right side
camshaft was faulty.  Replaced now, the engine runs fine and is bone, bone
dry.  No oil leaks anywhere!

Sooooo, I expect to pick the car up either today, or tomorrow, depending on
whether or not we get the 12 inches of snow that are forecast for tonight
and tomorrow.  I'll let you all know how many gizzies were replaced, and
what the entire job cost (gulp!).  The mechanic told me yesterday again,
that he has been working "off the clock" for some time on this, and that I
won't be surprised (much) by the bill.

I told him to go ahead and install the new European headlights.  I plan to
drive the car for a while, or at least until it starts to leak oil


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