[V8] Return of the prodigal V8

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at downeast.net
Thu Mar 18 22:59:03 EST 2004

Well, it's baaaaaaaaaaaak.  My '93 is back, running, with new European
headlights installed and burning through the dark Maine night.

About every little rubber grommet, tube, gizzie and drolbe in the engine
compartment is NEW, OEM.  Also new is the timing belt, tensioner, water pump
and rollers, along with distributor caps, spark plugs, gaskets, seals,
hydraulic pump, and a partridge in a pear tree.

The bill was HUGE.  Huger than I thought it would be, but the majority of it
is in OEM parts.  I haven't dared to add up the parts total, but it is

The leaking oil was in fact, one of the oil journal plugs in the front of
the right side cylinder head.  For those of you who don't really understand
it, the cylinder heads in the V8 are really very sophisticated heads.  The
oil charging through the head is under high pressure, and there is a LOT of
oil up there when the car is running.  Hence when one of the plugs in the
end of the galleries weakens for whatever reason, hot oil under high
pressure will push and push through and get worse and worse, which is what
my car was doing.

All better now!


P.S.  Oh, yes.  And the car is NOT for sale.  Not right now, anyway.  Just
about everything is done that could need to be done at 90,000 miles.

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